
Showing posts from June, 2017

Camp Geronimo 2017 Recap

19 Scouts attended Camp Geronimo Troop earned the Big G Gold Award! John Asher was the Geronimo Scoutmaster – Thank You!!! Completed a Service Project of cleaning up a campsite (3 hrs) Qualified “12 days of summer camp” skit for the final Campfire 15 scouts completed Polar Plunge Hikes included  Totem to Totem, Tiger Eye, Levi Young, Inspiration Point and Tenderfoot Run Seven adult leaders that attended Geronimo Total Merit Badges earned: 46 (+ some partials) Total Service Hours: 57          Total Miles Hiked: 95           Total Nights Camped: 133                                                                                                             (Edited to protect scout’s identity) Troop 441, quite simply, rocked it this summer. It has been an unbelievable week and I quite honestly don't know how it could have been any better. We have had a super busy first 5 days of camp. Unforgettable. Kent Tang has

Emerald Bay 2017 Recap

Had 12 Scouts attended Camp Emerald Bay Stayed the night on the U.S.S. Iowa before taking the ferry Kayaking, Snorkeling, Bike Riding and overnight War Canoe Outing 4 Scouts completed the Mile Swim Total Merit Badges earned: 39 Total Miles Biked: 94 Total Miles Paddled: 60 Total Nights Camped: 84 (Edited to protect scout’s identity) The scouts had a jammed pack week at Emerald Bay… here is the recap: Saturday afternoon we arrived in Long Beach and boarded the USS Iowa.  The scouts were treated to dinner and then a 2+ hour tour of the ship.  They slept in the sleeping quarters with two other troops, who, coincidentally, were also headed to Camp Emerald Bay. On Sunday morning we walked over to the Catalina ferry terminal and headed to Emerald Bay.  We saw several pods of dolphins and some curious sea lions.  In fact, the ferry had to slow for the dolphins until they passed by.  Once at camp we were escorted to our campsite and got settled in.  W

Thanks for your help and support for the VPC Memorial Day Service of Remembrance

All, Thanks for your willingness to assist with the preparation for this year’s Memorial Day Service of Remembrance for our deceased veterans. Your assistance enabled us to have a Service of Remembrance with the proper tone of respect and spirit of gratitude for the lives of those we honor on Memorial Day. Many members of Valley Presbyterian Church have again expressed to me their gratitude for the way in which our church honors deceased veterans. I pass those expressions of gratitude on to you. We have been fortunate that most of the major wars that the United States has fought have not been within our country’s borders. As we see the ravages of war during this past year in other parts of the world, it remains important for us to continue to understand that we need to remain vigilant. Our military services need to be ready, willing and able to act to protect and preserve our freedoms and know that they have our support. Let us pray that with God’s help, we will remain “t