Emerald Bay 2017 Recap

  • Had 12 Scouts attended Camp Emerald Bay
  • Stayed the night on the U.S.S. Iowa before taking the ferry
  • Kayaking, Snorkeling, Bike Riding and overnight War Canoe Outing
  • 4 Scouts completed the Mile Swim
  • Total Merit Badges earned: 39
  • Total Miles Biked: 94
  • Total Miles Paddled: 60
  • Total Nights Camped: 84

(Edited to protect scout’s identity)
The scouts had a jammed pack week at Emerald Bay… here is the recap:

Saturday afternoon we arrived in Long Beach and boarded the USS Iowa.  The scouts were treated to dinner and then a 2+ hour tour of the ship.  They slept in the sleeping quarters with two other troops, who, coincidentally, were also headed to Camp Emerald Bay.

On Sunday morning we walked over to the Catalina ferry terminal and headed to Emerald Bay.  We saw several pods of dolphins and some curious sea lions.  In fact, the ferry had to slow for the dolphins until they passed by.  Once at camp we were escorted to our campsite and got settled in.  We were provided lunch, and then toured the camp grounds and met more staff.  After dinner we attended the opening campfire, which was capped off by a heartfelt message from Camp Director John George.

For perspective, Mr. George earned his Eagle Scout rank from Troop 441.  He first attended Camp Emerald Bay as a scout in 1947, the first year the camp re-opened after World War II.  Mr. George is an iconic figure for Camp Emerald Bay, and we are all very proud of him, his affiliation with Troop 441, and all he has done for scouting.  Mr. George challenged EVERYONE to get outside of their comfort zone during the week, and really challenge themselves to do something they had never done.

On Monday the scouts attended each of their 3-4 merit badge classes and got familiar with their instructors and fellow scouts.

On Tuesday our troop participated in War Canoe with half of the scout troops.  We piloted two canoes 2 miles in the ocean. Our first canoe landed on Parsons Beach, and to their surprise, another troop elected to land their canoe on top of our canoe.  Fortunately nobody was injured.  Scout Z was caught underneath the canoe and escaped unharmed.  Quite a story to tell.  I'm told Alain might have captured the whole thing on his GoPro...stay tuned!

They hiked and snorkeled in the area, and played in the ocean.  Later, the scouts prepared their own dinner on the beach - beef and vegetable stews, and a peach cobbler (which was more like a peach pancake).  

To demonstrate their survival skills they slept the night on the beach without tents or tarps.  They weathered through the steady misting of rain, and although soaked, showed true grit by waking at 4:30am and canoeing back to Camp Emerald Bay.  Ask your scouts for more details of War Canoe and Parsons Beach.  Quite the adventure!

On Wednesday the scouts continued their merit badge classes, and I met with all of the directors for an update on how the scouts were progressing.  I can proudly say the scouts were tracking just fine, but more importantly, the camp staff commented on how well behaved our troop was in each merit badge class.

During free time we ventured out on sea kayaks, went snorkeling in Doctors Cove, and took a morning mountain bike ride.  Absent my pathetic dismount from the mountain bike - some would call it a crash - all others completed the ride injury free.  Side note, our very own scout J was a Ranger for the Camp Staff, and led the mountain bike ride to and from Two Harbors.  Not even a truck could take out scout J.  Yes, he hit a truck in the winding dirt road.

Thursday and a Friday the scouts completed their merit badges, which was confirmed after the closing campfire on Friday night.  All of the scouts should be very proud of their performance.  They took Mr. George's words to heart from the opening campfire.  I believe our scouts really grew mentally and physically during the week.

Special note – scouts C, B, J and D swam the Mile Swim in the ocean, while the rest of us provided support in sea kayaks.  Well done guys!  A sea lion joined them in the swim and took particular interest in scout J.

Parents, thank you all for trusting us and allowing us to lead your scouts through the week.  Joey and Alain, thanks again for allowing me to be the Scoutmaster for the trip.  I appreciate your assistance and friendship.  I'm looking forward to what the next year brings.

And finally, I'd like to thank scout D for the incredible job he did throughout the week as the Senior Patrol Leader.  The adult leaders had the opportunity to meet with scout D and conduct a Board of Review for his Life Scout rank.  He earned it.  To the W family, you have an amazing young man.  And for the rest of the troop, you all are blessed with a leader.

Enjoy your summer!

Best regards,

Scoutmaster Bryan
